Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Fulfilling Your Dreams

What do you think about throughout the day?  Do you think about your problems?  Do you think about the broken dishwasher, the leaky roof, the bald tire on the car, your kids bad grades, how far you are from retiring, your low bank account balance, and all of the myriad of other troubles you may have?  If you do, then you are thinking yourself into an early grave, according to research.

Research shows that negative thoughts and feelings, stress, worry, anger, depression, and FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) are only a few, have a negative impact on health.  The more time you have negative thoughts and the more intense the thoughts are, the worse your health gets.

On the other hand, the more positive your thoughts are, the better your health is!  One study showed that people who pray before they eat have better digestion.  It is the attitude of gratitude that does the trick.  People with positive outlooks on life suffer less illness and miss fewer days of work than those who have dour attitudes.

So, the first step in fulfilling our dreams is having a positive attitude in general and the belief that you CAN fulfill your dreams.  Life sucks?  Put a hose on it and clean your floors!

In order to do this, you have to make a conscious effort to change what you spend time thinking about.  
whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think on these things. - Paul
To do that, start your day like this: be still and reflective for 20 minutes.  Keep your mind as quiet as you can.  Then pray.  Do that every morning and notice what a different that makes!  This will help you

Live Healthy, Stay Active, and Fulfill Your Dreams 

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