Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Way We’ve Always Done It

My mother says that in the 1950s, when the Interstate Highways were first built, my grandfather, driving in the right lane like a good motorist, would come up behind a slower moving vehicle and slow down to stay at a safe distance behind it.  After following for several miles he would say, “I guess he’s not gonna speed up,” and pass.

The left lane had been open the entire time, but Grandpa was used to driving on two-lane, two-way roads where passing was a risky maneuver.  It was simply the way he’d always done it, and it had always worked.  He saw no need to change it.  But he would have saved time if he had learned the best way to use the new freeways.  It would have also been less risky to pass than to follow, for if the car ahead had stopped suddenly he would have had to take action to avoid a collision.  And since that was in the time of leaded gasoline, he was unknowingly exposing his family to more tetraethyl lead than if he had passed and moved on.

The practice of medicine is, by definition, the treatment of disease.  The definition of health is “an optimum state of physical, mental, and social wellbeing, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”  Doctors trained primarily the treatment of disease are not well equipped to help people maintain health.  People go to them because that is who they have always gone to.  Chiropractic is a new and better idea.  A way to get well and stay well without risky drugs or surgery.  By restoring normal function of the nervous system through removing interference caused by spinal misalignment, your body can fully express life. 

Your body needs little help to function properly, it just needs the interference removed.
Chiropractic seeks to remove that interference.
If you or someone you care about is looking for an answer to a health problem, we would love to help.

Woywood Family Chiropractic
12702 Toepperwein Rd, Suite 140
Live Oak, TX

Live Healthy – Stay Active – Fulfill Your Dreams

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