Thursday, January 22, 2015

Hammering a Bent Nail

Happy New Year!

At this time of year, many people set goals and make resolutions.  The most common is to lose weight and get fit.  I'm always happy to see that people are interested in their health and especially happy to see people ready to attack the #1 unhealthy lifestyle in America: Obesity.

Many people started at the beginning of the new year with diets and exercise.  Both of these can be tough.  Often, fad diets are unsustainable.  I mean, you just can't eat cabbage or grapefruit at every meal (or AS every meal!).  Meal replacement shakes get old quick.  And then there's that crazy lemon juice and cayenne pepper diet...don't even get me started!

Cleanses and purification are good things, but they must be done sensibly and sustainably.  If you quit too soon or get too sick or weak to continue, you won't get the full benefit.  So, we will be discussing these topics in the coming weeks.

The other half of the equation is exercise.  Many people jump to the idea of running to lose weight.  The intensity of that exercise will certainly cause weight loss.  But, do you enjoy running?  Does it feel good to run?  Do you look forward to it?  Do you feel better afterward?  If you answered no to any of those questions for running or any other exercise, then you will probably find it very difficult to sustain it. You can probably find something more enjoyable that is equally beneficial.  We will look deeper into this as we go through this series.

For now, you need to make certain that your body is able to exercise without damage.  With any exercise, of course you should be certain that your heart is healthy enough to bear the stress without failure.  And for any high-impact exercise, you need to make certain that the joints of your body can take the stress.

For instance, if your spine is not straight, then when you exercise the additional forces will cause your spine to buckle.  It's just like hitting a bent nail with a hammer.  So, before you start an exercise regimen, have your spine checked.

At our clinic, we are offering a spinal exam and 30 minute medical massage for $30.  Call for an appointment.  This is one way that we can help you

Live Healthy, Stay Active, and Fulfill Your Dreams!

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