Thursday, November 3, 2016

Be Outrageously Healthy
The only thing that makes sense is to be unreasonably happy. - Dan Millman

It is the nature of things to fall apart over time.  Human bodies are subject to factors that cause this:
-          Gravity
-          Climate
-          Microbes (viruses and bacteria)
-          Pollution

Our bodies overcome this under the direction of the central nervous system, including the brain.  These processes include:
-          Healing
-          Repair
-          Replacement
-          Regeneration

Regardless of how young you are, take care of your health or it will fall apart.  Nutrition, exercise, and maintaining a properly functioning nervous system are the keys to good health. 

The Greatest Generation, born between 1903 and 1923, were blindsided by their longevity.  They lived approximately 20 years longer than their parents, but took no better care of themselves.  They found themselves living in worn out, sick bodies for 10 – 20 years and coined the phrase, “If I had known that I was gonna live this long, I would’ve taken better care of myself.” 

Don’t put yourself in the same position; current longevity projections are amazing.  Actually, you may live 150 years.  Take good care of your body now, so that you can live a long, healthy life!