Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Boost Your Energy Levels by Keeping the Power On

We have learned that we can triple our energy levels through how we eat, drink, and breathe.  Today, we'll look at how to keep the power flowing through our bodies so that we will have more energy!

Our brains generate electrical impulses that flow through the spinal cord and nerves.  The different cells, tissues, organs, and systems in the body are controlled by brain through these impulses.  The activity of the cells of the body generates electricity to send impulses back to your brain, a feedback loop, providing information to your brain on the status of the body.  Through this information cycle, every function of the body is controlled.  Dr. Terry Rondberg estimates that the total energy in the brain at any given time is equal to that of a lightning bolt!

The functions controlled include breathing, blood pressure, hunger, pulse rate, movement, and all of the millions of other functions happening in our bodies all of the time.  Our brains are very busy!  This is why only 10% of our brains are available for conscious thought.  In fact, Dr. Sperry, a medical doctor and Nobel Prize recipient, said, "90% of our brain's energy is used for posture alone."

Problems occur when there is interference in the nerve flow.  Misalignment of the spine, called segmental dysfunction or vertebral subluxation, result in nerve irritation and this interferes with the flow of the nerve.  In fact, Dr. Chung Ha Su did research at the University of Colorado and found, "Subluxations can reduce nerve flow up to 60%."

Wow!  Think about that.  If the nerves controlling your legs are only getting 40% of the impulse through, then the muscles are contracting accordingly and walking takes two and a half times more effort.  Removing that interference would make walking tremendously easier!

Frequently, my patients report to me that after their adjustments, they have increased energy, the lights seem brighter, colors appear richer, and even their sense of smell is better.  The most effective way to Increase Your Energy by 300% is to remove nerve interference by getting regular chiropractic adjustments!

And increasing your energy will help you

Live Healthy, Stay Active and Fulfill Your Dreams!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Increase Your Energy by Breathing

Now, this is not as silly as it sounds!  Sometimes, we find ourselves oddly fatigued, especially those with office jobs.  The monitor seems to be lulling us to sleep.  Often, we combat that by getting up and moving around to wake ourselves up.  That is valid, because our bodies were made to move and our brains were made to move them!  There is an additional tip that I can offer.

When we are sitting still for long periods, our muscles are not requiring much oxygen, so we don't breathe as deeply or as frequently as when we are active.  However, when working our brains are consuming oxygen rapidly.  This leads to low oxygen and high carbon dioxide levels in the blood, and that leads to drowsiness.  So here is the answer to that.

Deep abdominal breathing will increase oxygen levels, decrease carbon dioxide levels, and stimulate the immune system.  This is a simple breathing exercise that will increase your energy levels.  Inhale slowly, taking 2 seconds to fill your lungs.  Hold your breath for 8 seconds and then exhale slowly taking 4 seconds to empty your lungs.  Repeat this for a total of 10 breaths.

Do this 3 times a day (at 10, 2, and 4) to increase overall energy levels.  Add extra sessions when you find yourself tired or yawning.  When you are sick and can't exercise, do this 10 times per day.

This will increase your energy levels dramatically and help you

Live Healthy, Stay Active, and Fulfill Your Dreams!