We have learned about Deadly Whites and questionable food choices.
Today, let's look at what good food choices would be.
First, let's look at a measurement called
the Glycemic Index (GI), a techinical term for how fast a food will raise your
blood sugar. Our bodies have to maintain our blood sugar between 70 and
140. If it rises above 140 it can damage the brain and nervous system.
Of course, our bodies don't want that to happen, so the pancreas produces
insulin to bring the sugar level back down. Insulin removes the sugar
from the blood and stores it as FAT.
That means our goal in controlling body
weight must be to control insulin production. If we control insulin
production, then we control fat production. To do that, we need to avoid
foods that spike blood sugar, which brings us back to the GI.
The GI rates foods against a standard food
that is given the value of 100, and that food is pure glucose. Baked
white potatoes have an index of 111, higher than glucose. Yes, white potatoes
spikes your blood sugar faster than pure glucose does! So if you are like
most Americans and the Deadly Whites predominate your diet, then potatoes are
first to go.
White rice has an index of 89 and though
lower than glucose it is higher than sugar. It needs to be limited to the
20% side of the 80/20 rule.
Not on the list of Deadly Whites but
equally bad is High Fructose Corn Syrup, or Corn Sugar, which is a term used in
an attempt to separate their product from the bad press that it's deservedly
getting. It is made from genetically modified corn, what I call a
Franken-food. It has an index of 87 and that is higher than table sugar.
White flour, which is made from wheat, has
an index of 80. If you are trying to control weight, then white flour and
"wheat flour", which is white flour with food coloring and
"dietary fiber" added, are things that need to go.
Next on the list would be sugar with its
index of 80. Of course, this means that doughnuts are definitely off the
list for our daily breakfast!
What CAN we eat?
This chart can show you what's ideal
I have AWESOME news! Pasta is a LOW GLYCEMIC FOOD!!! Substitute potatoes and rice with pasta, but no more than one serving per day.
Next week we will discuss
Have a Normal and Healthy Date Night